It is my great hope that this message gets forwarded to the district manager who oversees the Journal Square Wamu branch in Jersey City, NJ.
Out of all the banks I've used in my life, no branch has treated me more poorly and unfairly than the Washington Mutual Journal Square branch.
The most recent injustice occurred on December 14, 2007 when I deposited a check drafted directly from Wachovia for XXXXX. The lady at the teller told me she had to call in to verify the check which she did and I thought everything had been processed and taken care of.
It is now December 19th and the check still has not been processed. Let's not overlook the timing of this during the holidays, WaMu is absolutely putting unnecessary strain and stress that no customer should have to endure.
I went down to the local branch today to find out why they had refused to make my funds available and they said half of it would clear on Friday, the other half EIGHT DAYS FROM TODAY. That's a total of 13 days waiting time for a bank-issued check (not a personal check, mind you) to clear. How in the world am I suppose to not take that personal? This is Christmastime, I have bills to pay, and you pull this crap on me? Seriously?
Some of the other problems I've had with Washington Mutual or, if you will WaMu Journal Square have been stolen deposits and badmouthing my good name.
Stolen deposit: check your records, this year, I deposited cash in the ATM one late night and WaMu Journal Square processed this envelope as empty. When I went down to the branch to complain, they basically called me a liar to my face and said that it could not have happened. Three weeks later, I assume after some kind of investigation was launched, the funds mysteriously reappeared in my account, No apologies were given, no explanations were made, no mention of thieves being fired. No respect, unfortunately. I guess they must have looked at the videotape. Now who's the liar WaMu? Look at your bank records, you tell me.
And last but not least, the few times online bill pay has not worked for me, my landlord called up WaMu to find out what the problem was because they know me to be a responsible person always paying in a timely manner. WaMu went on to tell my landlord that I was a tier 2 customer of theirs, and insisted that the mistake was my fault! Tier 2? Are you kidding me?
If and when my funds ever clear (hopefully before 2008, but I'm not holding my breath) I'll be taking my business elsewhere because of the way I've been treated at WaMu Journal Square in Jersey City, and I'll be wishing your company nothing but ill for rest of my life. I"m not lying about that.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
PCLINUXOS is getting crappier
things aren't working. things that used to work quite well like Audacity and and soundKonvertor.
I just did the most recent update so hopefully that will resolve the fact that I can't get to the noise removal tool in audacity, in fact none of the editing tools have been availible.
one great thing that came out of these frustrations is the discovery of this site:
I may get into that kind of stuff and the girl that runs the site seems quite helpful explaining things--even using video step-throughs that have already helped quite a bit.
I just did the most recent update so hopefully that will resolve the fact that I can't get to the noise removal tool in audacity, in fact none of the editing tools have been availible.
one great thing that came out of these frustrations is the discovery of this site:
I may get into that kind of stuff and the girl that runs the site seems quite helpful explaining things--even using video step-throughs that have already helped quite a bit.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Other Music May Have Just Saved My Indie Life

I was going to check online to see if Other Music has tickets to the Mum show this Friday night when I came across their new portal when you visit
Turns out other music has a digital business now! This means I may not have to use Emusic after all.
Itunes is basically NOT linux friendly, leaving me with Emusic as my digital alternative. I really like Emusic, but their selection is somewhat limited. I'd rather pay more per mp3 for more selection.
Unfortunately all their digital music is only availible in 320 kbp non variable bit MP3. I say unfortunately because mp3 isn't open source like ogg vorbis or flac, but I can live with that. AND the mp3's that Other Music sells ARE DRM-free, so FU to apple and itunes, once and for all.
Monday, October 08, 2007
kind of moved, but not really
So all my knicks content has been rerouted and going forward can be found at
This site now mostly serves as a place holder for my valued hyperlinks, but also to occasionally expound on some other shit.
This site now mostly serves as a place holder for my valued hyperlinks, but also to occasionally expound on some other shit.
Friday, September 28, 2007
got bandwidth?
so I just took this bandwidth test to test the new modem comcast has installed, here are the results:
22929 kbps download rate
1361 kbps upload rate
I'll have to research those numbers further to see if I'm getting my money's worth for cable internet...
22929 kbps download rate
1361 kbps upload rate
I'll have to research those numbers further to see if I'm getting my money's worth for cable internet...
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
free NEW deerhoof mp3's
the fantastic San Francisco band we know as deerhoof have free remix mp3's posted on their website. some of the recordings are live, only a few aren't extremely great, so get them while you can!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
apple, ipod, itunes and rick rubin
I came across this article online where a mac fan beats up on rick rubin for saying ipods are going the way of obsolete.
Rick Rubin, co-chairman of Columbia Records, has publicly stated that the iPod and iTunes models are doomed, with the way to go being subscription-based, music-anywhere, services.
In fact, he thinks the whole music business will only be saved by going to a subscription model, but he's quick to pick on the iPod. "The iPod will be obsolete, but there would be a Walkman-like device you could plug into speakers at home," he said.
Rubin's motivation is that adopting cheap music subscription services will curb illegal downloads, believing that "If music is easily available at a price of five or six dollars a month, then nobody will steal it."
I'm not convinced.
Click here to find out more!
What's more amusing is that somehow, in Rubin's mind, the iPod and iTunes can't evolve but this mythical "Walkman-like device" can. Hmm... who owns Columbia Records? Ahh yes, Sony.
The iPod has evolved and, in fact, so has the Walkman. If it hadn't, we'd still be messing about with cassette tapes.
Apple already has a device that you can plug your iPod into at home - the iPod Hi-Fi - and if that doesn't suffice then there are plenty of iPod speaker docks that do the same thing.
Rubin isn't saying anything revolutionary. Subscription-based music services have been around for years, and the idea of mobile music and a converged home is a reality to many.
Even fellow chairman at Columbia, Steve Barnett, isn't convinced. "Smart people have told me if the subscription model is not done correctly it will be the final nail in our coffin. I've heard both sides of the argument, and I'm not convinced it's the solution to our problems. Rick wants to be a hero immediately. In his mind, you flick a switch and it's done. It doesn't work like that," he said.
I wouldn't want to be in the Columbia board room after that little spat.
My response, which for some reason was not accepted by the blog:
rick rubin is a musical genius. would I place money on the forcast of a studio producer of that of some business major? maybe. in this case, he may be on to something.
i own an ipod 30g video. it is certainly not the latest or the greatest, but i bring it up here because i don't want you to think i'm an ipod hater before bringing up ipod's list of flaws.
1. battery life. it sucks. always has, probably always will. if sony is going to try and steal some of ipod's glory, i'm 100% certain that it's product will have SUPERIOR battery life. I know that mac people get real sensitive about other tech being superior to that of their own, but in this case it is true.
2. DRM. steve jobs wouldn't be writing open letters to the major music labels if he wasn't worried about his current setup of itunes and consequently ipod. anything you buy from itunes is going to have proprietary drm encoding, preventing your purchased mp3 from truly being your own. you may have a copy of a song that you think you are happy with, but that song has been designed to be transferred a maximum of usually 3 times before it becomes locked and unmovable. rubin's point about subscriptions services is 100% right in that respect, because websites like emusic offer mp3's that are DRM free, and you truly own the mp3's you get from websites like emusic.
so in my mind the only thing mr. rubin could have said better is that "itunes" is obsolete rather than "ipod." He got the wrong "i" as it were.
0% of my ipod music collection was downloaded from itunes, because I can't stand proprietary technology and let's face it, since the beginning, steve jobs and the folks over at apple have made their entire fortune based on proprietary rights. they may say otherwise, but it is in their best interest to keep their technology highly proprietary, to maximize profits margins because you'll have no choice but to buy from them.
by the way, my brother's new macbook has a proprietary power cord. the thing broke last month. what should cost $40 max for a ac adapter is universally priced by mac at around $80. a wonderful illustration of the unfortunate pitfalls proprietary philosphy. they're at least doubling their profit margins in this example alone.
that's why I don't use windows anymore, why I don't use mac anymore. I use linux, the most robust operating system on the planet.
Rick Rubin, co-chairman of Columbia Records, has publicly stated that the iPod and iTunes models are doomed, with the way to go being subscription-based, music-anywhere, services.
In fact, he thinks the whole music business will only be saved by going to a subscription model, but he's quick to pick on the iPod. "The iPod will be obsolete, but there would be a Walkman-like device you could plug into speakers at home," he said.
Rubin's motivation is that adopting cheap music subscription services will curb illegal downloads, believing that "If music is easily available at a price of five or six dollars a month, then nobody will steal it."
I'm not convinced.
Click here to find out more!
What's more amusing is that somehow, in Rubin's mind, the iPod and iTunes can't evolve but this mythical "Walkman-like device" can. Hmm... who owns Columbia Records? Ahh yes, Sony.
The iPod has evolved and, in fact, so has the Walkman. If it hadn't, we'd still be messing about with cassette tapes.
Apple already has a device that you can plug your iPod into at home - the iPod Hi-Fi - and if that doesn't suffice then there are plenty of iPod speaker docks that do the same thing.
Rubin isn't saying anything revolutionary. Subscription-based music services have been around for years, and the idea of mobile music and a converged home is a reality to many.
Even fellow chairman at Columbia, Steve Barnett, isn't convinced. "Smart people have told me if the subscription model is not done correctly it will be the final nail in our coffin. I've heard both sides of the argument, and I'm not convinced it's the solution to our problems. Rick wants to be a hero immediately. In his mind, you flick a switch and it's done. It doesn't work like that," he said.
I wouldn't want to be in the Columbia board room after that little spat.
My response, which for some reason was not accepted by the blog:
rick rubin is a musical genius. would I place money on the forcast of a studio producer of that of some business major? maybe. in this case, he may be on to something.
i own an ipod 30g video. it is certainly not the latest or the greatest, but i bring it up here because i don't want you to think i'm an ipod hater before bringing up ipod's list of flaws.
1. battery life. it sucks. always has, probably always will. if sony is going to try and steal some of ipod's glory, i'm 100% certain that it's product will have SUPERIOR battery life. I know that mac people get real sensitive about other tech being superior to that of their own, but in this case it is true.
2. DRM. steve jobs wouldn't be writing open letters to the major music labels if he wasn't worried about his current setup of itunes and consequently ipod. anything you buy from itunes is going to have proprietary drm encoding, preventing your purchased mp3 from truly being your own. you may have a copy of a song that you think you are happy with, but that song has been designed to be transferred a maximum of usually 3 times before it becomes locked and unmovable. rubin's point about subscriptions services is 100% right in that respect, because websites like emusic offer mp3's that are DRM free, and you truly own the mp3's you get from websites like emusic.
so in my mind the only thing mr. rubin could have said better is that "itunes" is obsolete rather than "ipod." He got the wrong "i" as it were.
0% of my ipod music collection was downloaded from itunes, because I can't stand proprietary technology and let's face it, since the beginning, steve jobs and the folks over at apple have made their entire fortune based on proprietary rights. they may say otherwise, but it is in their best interest to keep their technology highly proprietary, to maximize profits margins because you'll have no choice but to buy from them.
by the way, my brother's new macbook has a proprietary power cord. the thing broke last month. what should cost $40 max for a ac adapter is universally priced by mac at around $80. a wonderful illustration of the unfortunate pitfalls proprietary philosphy. they're at least doubling their profit margins in this example alone.
that's why I don't use windows anymore, why I don't use mac anymore. I use linux, the most robust operating system on the planet.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Fear Is Your Only God!
so unbelievably good. so awesome.
Just amazing guitars. I've never seen a band rock that hard, and I saw this band play in summer of 1993. That was a spiritual concert for me.
rage against the machine are more relevant now than they've ever been.
too bad they waited until 2007 to reunite.
they could have thrown an impeach Bush concert/festival. Peaches would have been there. (link) I'd imagine ol' Henry Rollins would have been there too. something tells me clear channel wouldn't have sponsored that concert.
I read somewhere that 1/3 of the US thinks that there are just grounds to impeach Bush, but since rich honkeys own the newspapers, no reporters are doing that story here in the states.
probably the entire music community would have played, except the country music people. they like ol' G dubya.
just switched to ubuntu from pclos yesterday after I had some packages that broke in synaptic. ubuntu is way slower overall and when I have the time in three weeks I'll be switching back to PCLOS or I might try another distro like opensuse or fedora. I liked Mint Linux but since it's based on ubuntu I might not be too pleased with the speed.
Ubuntu looks great though.
Just amazing guitars. I've never seen a band rock that hard, and I saw this band play in summer of 1993. That was a spiritual concert for me.
rage against the machine are more relevant now than they've ever been.
too bad they waited until 2007 to reunite.
they could have thrown an impeach Bush concert/festival. Peaches would have been there. (link) I'd imagine ol' Henry Rollins would have been there too. something tells me clear channel wouldn't have sponsored that concert.
I read somewhere that 1/3 of the US thinks that there are just grounds to impeach Bush, but since rich honkeys own the newspapers, no reporters are doing that story here in the states.
probably the entire music community would have played, except the country music people. they like ol' G dubya.
just switched to ubuntu from pclos yesterday after I had some packages that broke in synaptic. ubuntu is way slower overall and when I have the time in three weeks I'll be switching back to PCLOS or I might try another distro like opensuse or fedora. I liked Mint Linux but since it's based on ubuntu I might not be too pleased with the speed.
Ubuntu looks great though.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
The Zach Randolph Trade and What's Next for Isiah's Knicks
Well the 2007 draft came and went for Isiah's Knicks. By the following morning, Channing Frye and Steve Francis were no longer Knicks. Isiah had drafted Wilson Chandler, and traded for the rights to second round draft pick Demetris Nichols. But, of course, the main buzz of the evening was created when Isiah pulled the trigger to land Zach Randolph, Fred Jones and Dan Dickau. Immediately after the trade was announced, Spike Lee was interviewed--he said that he likes Dick. Take what you will from that.
Randolph is a dominant power forward in the NBA. At this time, he is only 25 years of age. He has gotten in trouble outside of basketball many times in his young career, but if Isiah can influence him for the better, the Knicks may have improved with the transaction.
Of course for the real knicks fans, the first thing that came to mind when we traded for another power forward was, what happens to future nba all star David Lee's minutes now that Randolph is in town? According to recent interviews with Isiah, Lee is going to remain a substitute player, which implies that Quentin Richardson or Jared Jeffries will be the starting small forward for the 2007-2008 knicks--that is if they don't try to acquire Ron Artest between now and the beginning of the season in November.
Yes, the same Ron Artest that started the brawl over an empty beer cup, the same Artest that announced that he wanted to abruptly retire from the NBA to pursue his career in rap music. Artest, as I recall, stated a few years ago that he still wants to play for the Knicks, and Isiah may make that happen. Considering that Isiah should have been fired for not getting the Knicks in the playoffs last year, perhaps Isiah felt desperate to revamp the lineup.
I'm against the Ron Artest rumors, because I think Artest is emotionally disturbed. I don't think it's his fault, he just wasn't raised the right way, and has no control over his emotions. It is dangerous to have a guy like that on your team--because he is so unpredictable and violent.
Lets not forget that New York already has a pretty decent small forward in Quentin Richardson. The catch with Richardson, of course, is that he just had back surgery, and it is unknown how athletic he will be after his return. I'm hoping for a full recovery, because Q was the best player for the Knicks for the first month and a half of this past season, before his back started ailing him again.
There is also Jared Jeffries, Renaldo Balkman, Wilson Chandler and Demetris Nichols (each with their own unique talents) to consider at the three spot. Bottom line is, if everyone that is currently a Knick stays healthy, the Knicks may not need Artest to make some noise in the playoffs next season.
I am particularly against Artest coming to the knicks if the trade involves David Lee or Renaldo Balkman, two great players that will only get better as they learn the nuances of the NBA game. We haven't even seen a limit to Lee's upside yet, he doubled his numbers in his second season in the league to 10 points and 10 rebounds OFF THE BENCH. Balkman seems prime to follow suit if the minutes are given to him--but with the roster the way it is, minute management will be a touchy subject at nearly every position for the Knicks in 2007-2008.
Randolph is a dominant power forward in the NBA. At this time, he is only 25 years of age. He has gotten in trouble outside of basketball many times in his young career, but if Isiah can influence him for the better, the Knicks may have improved with the transaction.
Of course for the real knicks fans, the first thing that came to mind when we traded for another power forward was, what happens to future nba all star David Lee's minutes now that Randolph is in town? According to recent interviews with Isiah, Lee is going to remain a substitute player, which implies that Quentin Richardson or Jared Jeffries will be the starting small forward for the 2007-2008 knicks--that is if they don't try to acquire Ron Artest between now and the beginning of the season in November.
Yes, the same Ron Artest that started the brawl over an empty beer cup, the same Artest that announced that he wanted to abruptly retire from the NBA to pursue his career in rap music. Artest, as I recall, stated a few years ago that he still wants to play for the Knicks, and Isiah may make that happen. Considering that Isiah should have been fired for not getting the Knicks in the playoffs last year, perhaps Isiah felt desperate to revamp the lineup.
I'm against the Ron Artest rumors, because I think Artest is emotionally disturbed. I don't think it's his fault, he just wasn't raised the right way, and has no control over his emotions. It is dangerous to have a guy like that on your team--because he is so unpredictable and violent.
Lets not forget that New York already has a pretty decent small forward in Quentin Richardson. The catch with Richardson, of course, is that he just had back surgery, and it is unknown how athletic he will be after his return. I'm hoping for a full recovery, because Q was the best player for the Knicks for the first month and a half of this past season, before his back started ailing him again.
There is also Jared Jeffries, Renaldo Balkman, Wilson Chandler and Demetris Nichols (each with their own unique talents) to consider at the three spot. Bottom line is, if everyone that is currently a Knick stays healthy, the Knicks may not need Artest to make some noise in the playoffs next season.
I am particularly against Artest coming to the knicks if the trade involves David Lee or Renaldo Balkman, two great players that will only get better as they learn the nuances of the NBA game. We haven't even seen a limit to Lee's upside yet, he doubled his numbers in his second season in the league to 10 points and 10 rebounds OFF THE BENCH. Balkman seems prime to follow suit if the minutes are given to him--but with the roster the way it is, minute management will be a touchy subject at nearly every position for the Knicks in 2007-2008.
Friday, June 08, 2007
NBA Finals: Game 1
Game one of the NBA Finals was played last night as the San Antonio Spurs hosted the Cleveland Cavaliers. As many predicted, the Spurs came away with the win, 85-76. Yet I disagree with the consensus among the sports media world, that the Spurs "outclassed" the Cavs (How can any team that starts Bruce Bowen, the dirtiest player in the NBA since Karl Malone, outclass any other team?). Most sports writers consider this series a blowout, but I don't. Here's why:
LeBron James and Larry Hughes combined to shoot 5-21 from the field. Kudos to the Spurs for their shut-down defense (the only player I really dislike on San Antonio is Bowen). Yet despite the lack of production from the two major players on the Cavs, they made an impressive run with about 6 minutes to go in the fourth quarter, a time when the Spurs struggled to put up any points. Look at the final score, a mere 9-point difference, now if James or Hughes (or both) find a way to put up their regular numbers, then we have a series--and this thing could go to seven games.
Yes, you could argue that San Antonio was rusty going into the NBA Finals, with the layoff between the Western Conference series and the this one being over a week. Again, go to the box score, Duncan got his usual numbers, as did Parker and Ginobili, so unless there is some kind of fluke, look for the spurs total points in the game to stay in the mid 80's.
Like Jeff Van Gundy said last night, the first team to 80 wins in this NBA Finals, every time. If LeBron finds a way to produce his playoff average of 26 points/game, next time that team could easily be the Cavs. It would be amaizing, if not impossible, if San Antonio was able to stop LeBron for the entire series. And if they steal game two, watch out--because the next three games will be played in Cleveland.
Just wanted to put this point of view out there because I doubt it is being expressed very much right now with all the "outclassed" parroting dribble right now. Do sports writers even make an effort to be original anymore? Seriously, take a look at your newspaper, it's all one voice out there.
X-factors for a Cavs Victory in Game 2 of the NBA Finals: Gibson has obviously been the unsung hero for the Cavs during their run to the finals, but veteran defensive-minded point guard Eric Snow, should he ever get any minutes, might be able to slightly disrupt Tony Parker's game, which in effect would throw off San Antonio's entire game. Only Coach Brown knows if Snow's number will ever be called in this series, Snow played just 14 seconds in Game 1.
LeBron James and Larry Hughes combined to shoot 5-21 from the field. Kudos to the Spurs for their shut-down defense (the only player I really dislike on San Antonio is Bowen). Yet despite the lack of production from the two major players on the Cavs, they made an impressive run with about 6 minutes to go in the fourth quarter, a time when the Spurs struggled to put up any points. Look at the final score, a mere 9-point difference, now if James or Hughes (or both) find a way to put up their regular numbers, then we have a series--and this thing could go to seven games.
Yes, you could argue that San Antonio was rusty going into the NBA Finals, with the layoff between the Western Conference series and the this one being over a week. Again, go to the box score, Duncan got his usual numbers, as did Parker and Ginobili, so unless there is some kind of fluke, look for the spurs total points in the game to stay in the mid 80's.
Like Jeff Van Gundy said last night, the first team to 80 wins in this NBA Finals, every time. If LeBron finds a way to produce his playoff average of 26 points/game, next time that team could easily be the Cavs. It would be amaizing, if not impossible, if San Antonio was able to stop LeBron for the entire series. And if they steal game two, watch out--because the next three games will be played in Cleveland.
Just wanted to put this point of view out there because I doubt it is being expressed very much right now with all the "outclassed" parroting dribble right now. Do sports writers even make an effort to be original anymore? Seriously, take a look at your newspaper, it's all one voice out there.
X-factors for a Cavs Victory in Game 2 of the NBA Finals: Gibson has obviously been the unsung hero for the Cavs during their run to the finals, but veteran defensive-minded point guard Eric Snow, should he ever get any minutes, might be able to slightly disrupt Tony Parker's game, which in effect would throw off San Antonio's entire game. Only Coach Brown knows if Snow's number will ever be called in this series, Snow played just 14 seconds in Game 1.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Billy Donovan Trying to Pull a Larry Brown on the Magic
I'm not that surprised that Billy Donovan is doing an about face at the beginning of a lucrative 5-year NBA deal. The ink isn't dry on his contract with the magic and he wants out.
It's not like Billy Donovan was Larry Brown's protege or anything. Oh wait, he was. At least Donovan didn't deliberately tank an entire Knick season before negotiating a buyout.
It's not like Billy Donovan was Larry Brown's protege or anything. Oh wait, he was. At least Donovan didn't deliberately tank an entire Knick season before negotiating a buyout.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
mangoes: pain-in-the-ass tasty treat
my apologies to my filipino brothers and sisters, but mangos have got to be the most annoying fruit on the face of the earth.
First, you need two utensils to eat the fucker. You'll need a) a knife and a spoon -if you're filipino or b) a knife and a fork if you're one of three americans who actually likes to eat mangos.
And lets not forget the odd shape of the fruit and its giant pit that make extracting the edible part of a mango more tedious than removing spyware from windows xp home edition.
And that's not to mention the stringy fiber that is all up in your teeth for two days after eating one.
Mangoes are a fruit where you'll probably be washing your hands immediately after eating one, otherwise walk around for the rest of the day with sticky hands a-la-kindergarden playground days.
And every time I've ever eaten a mango, I'm wearing a white t-shirt. Once that mango juice gets on your shirt? Forget about it. Might as well make it a tie-dye and send it to Bill Walton.
And finding a mango that's ripe? Good luck with that. Either its bitter and not ripe or you open it up and its a whole 'nother science project up in there. SOMETIMES they're just right; do consider playing the lottery on those days.
Mangos may taste good, but they're the most high maintenance, pain in the ass fruit ever.
First, you need two utensils to eat the fucker. You'll need a) a knife and a spoon -if you're filipino or b) a knife and a fork if you're one of three americans who actually likes to eat mangos.
And lets not forget the odd shape of the fruit and its giant pit that make extracting the edible part of a mango more tedious than removing spyware from windows xp home edition.
And that's not to mention the stringy fiber that is all up in your teeth for two days after eating one.
Mangoes are a fruit where you'll probably be washing your hands immediately after eating one, otherwise walk around for the rest of the day with sticky hands a-la-kindergarden playground days.
And every time I've ever eaten a mango, I'm wearing a white t-shirt. Once that mango juice gets on your shirt? Forget about it. Might as well make it a tie-dye and send it to Bill Walton.
And finding a mango that's ripe? Good luck with that. Either its bitter and not ripe or you open it up and its a whole 'nother science project up in there. SOMETIMES they're just right; do consider playing the lottery on those days.
Mangos may taste good, but they're the most high maintenance, pain in the ass fruit ever.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Only In New York
Today they're doing the Charles Mingus birthday bash. 24+ hours of nothing but Charles Mingus.
Tomorrow they honor the recently departed Andrew Hill. Again, 24+ hours of Hill's music.
Next week, Duke Ellington. 24+ hours of Ellington.
In May, ONE FULL WEEK OF SAM RIVERS. No other radio station in the world can do stuff like this. Not one.
Sam Rivers Festival Broadcast
89.9 FM in New York
Streaming live online at
Starting Friday, May 18, 2007 at 12 noon
Ending Friday, May 25, 2007 at 9 p.m.
WKCR is proud to announce a week-long festival broadcast honoring the musical genius of Sam Rivers, set to air continuously for 177 hours during May 18-25, 2007.
In a career which spans over 60 years, multi-instrumentalist Sam Rivers has been an extraordinary force in the world of jazz and creative music. Whether through intricate composition or stunning free improvisation, his music synthesizes a broad spectrum of styles into a unique and forward-looking sound. Equally important to history was his proprietorship of Studio Rivbea, a vibrant performance space in lower Manhattan which nurtured exciting new expressions of jazz in New York's musician-driven renaissance of the 1970s. As a community-minded mentor and facile performer alike, Sam Rivers represents the highest level of artistic achievement and, remarkably, continues to innovate at the age of 83.
In a unique round-the-clock format, the festival will thoroughly explore Sam Rivers' fascinating musical world. The broadcast centers around a presentation of Rivers' complete recorded discography, supplemented by interviews with his fellow musicians and in-depth features on particular aspects of his music-making. Additionally, Sam Rivers will join us in studio to reflect on his career and share with listeners his living history.
In a tradition spanning over 35 years, WKCR's jazz department again presents a signature radio event: a multi-day salute to an under-recognized legend of the art form. In May of 2007, tune in to WKCR for Sam Rivers Radio.
Today they're doing the Charles Mingus birthday bash. 24+ hours of nothing but Charles Mingus.
Tomorrow they honor the recently departed Andrew Hill. Again, 24+ hours of Hill's music.
Next week, Duke Ellington. 24+ hours of Ellington.
In May, ONE FULL WEEK OF SAM RIVERS. No other radio station in the world can do stuff like this. Not one.
Sam Rivers Festival Broadcast
89.9 FM in New York
Streaming live online at
Starting Friday, May 18, 2007 at 12 noon
Ending Friday, May 25, 2007 at 9 p.m.
WKCR is proud to announce a week-long festival broadcast honoring the musical genius of Sam Rivers, set to air continuously for 177 hours during May 18-25, 2007.
In a career which spans over 60 years, multi-instrumentalist Sam Rivers has been an extraordinary force in the world of jazz and creative music. Whether through intricate composition or stunning free improvisation, his music synthesizes a broad spectrum of styles into a unique and forward-looking sound. Equally important to history was his proprietorship of Studio Rivbea, a vibrant performance space in lower Manhattan which nurtured exciting new expressions of jazz in New York's musician-driven renaissance of the 1970s. As a community-minded mentor and facile performer alike, Sam Rivers represents the highest level of artistic achievement and, remarkably, continues to innovate at the age of 83.
In a unique round-the-clock format, the festival will thoroughly explore Sam Rivers' fascinating musical world. The broadcast centers around a presentation of Rivers' complete recorded discography, supplemented by interviews with his fellow musicians and in-depth features on particular aspects of his music-making. Additionally, Sam Rivers will join us in studio to reflect on his career and share with listeners his living history.
In a tradition spanning over 35 years, WKCR's jazz department again presents a signature radio event: a multi-day salute to an under-recognized legend of the art form. In May of 2007, tune in to WKCR for Sam Rivers Radio.
Friday, April 20, 2007
A Major Victory for the NYC Cycling community?
If Bloomberg isn't just blowing smoke up our ass, this could mean less cars -and more bikes- in the city!
Power to the bikes!
Power to the bikes!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Scott Skiles was always a piece of kaka
"From everything I hear, the Knicks are on the verge of becoming a great team," Skiles said sarcastically. "So they are probably a team we will be playing over and over again in the years to come. Something like this should not fester."
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Fuck the Lower East Side
Fuck the lower east side, or what has become of the lower east side as of late, bunch of Goddamn rich stock brocker assholes moving in taking over shit. they're closing tonic! Tonic was in trouble a few years ago, this time they really are closing, and they only have one week left of shows.
Every time I walk past that bullshit high rise luxury apartment building next to tonic, I'm going to fucking spit on the window or do some other kind of insiginicant vadalism, because that was place for beautiful music to be heard, and now it has to make way for the ugly, hiddeous people that are going to live there. Also fuck you to the bullshit high rise apartment building that supplanted what was once Luna Lounge. Better yet,FUCK YOU to all the new Lower East Side condo assholes. You think you're so cute putting up indoor swimming pools where artists once lived. You regard your life to be an episode of in sex and the city. Fuck your SUV, fuck Prada and fuck you. You took the coolest neighborhood in manhattan and turned it into yuppie SHIT.
from the website of tonic:
Dear Musicians, Fans and Friends:
After more than 9 years as a home for avant-garde, creative, and experimental music, Tonic will reluctantly close its doors on Friday, April 13th, 2007. We simply can no longer afford the rent and all of the other costs associated with doing business on the Lower East Side.
The neighborhood around us has been increasingly consumed by "luxury condominiums", boutique hotels and glass towers, all making the value of our salvaged space worth more then our business could ever realistically support. We have also been repeatedly harassed by the city's Quality of Life Task Force which resulted in the debilitating closing of the ))sub((tonic lounge in January. Coincidentally, this campaign began as our immediate neighbor, the Blue Condominium building - a symbol of the new Lower East Side - prepared to open its doors.
As a business, we take responsibility for mistakes made along the way. If profit had been our chief motivation we could have changed our programming to something more mainstream and financially lucrative. Instead we were more committed to a certain type of music and loyal to the community that supported us. As a result, we've always just survived but never really prospered. It is, however, unfortunate that it is so difficult for small businesses to operate in this city and that a chain store that can afford a high rent is more desirable than a place like Tonic that has a different kind of value.
While this is certainly the end of Tonic at 107 Norfolk Street, we remain committed to what Tonic represents and plan to try again in some form as soon as possible. In the interim, Tonic will make efforts to present new music in existing venues such as the Abron's Arts Center located just a few blocks away.
We invite you to join us as often as you can over our remaining days to help us celebrate Tonic and more importantly the amazing artists, our unwavering staff, and the nurturing community that made Tonic possible. It’s because of you that we’ve stayed open as long as we have. Thank you!
Sincerely, Melissa and John
Contact: tonic [at]
Every time I walk past that bullshit high rise luxury apartment building next to tonic, I'm going to fucking spit on the window or do some other kind of insiginicant vadalism, because that was place for beautiful music to be heard, and now it has to make way for the ugly, hiddeous people that are going to live there. Also fuck you to the bullshit high rise apartment building that supplanted what was once Luna Lounge. Better yet,FUCK YOU to all the new Lower East Side condo assholes. You think you're so cute putting up indoor swimming pools where artists once lived. You regard your life to be an episode of in sex and the city. Fuck your SUV, fuck Prada and fuck you. You took the coolest neighborhood in manhattan and turned it into yuppie SHIT.
from the website of tonic:
Dear Musicians, Fans and Friends:
After more than 9 years as a home for avant-garde, creative, and experimental music, Tonic will reluctantly close its doors on Friday, April 13th, 2007. We simply can no longer afford the rent and all of the other costs associated with doing business on the Lower East Side.
The neighborhood around us has been increasingly consumed by "luxury condominiums", boutique hotels and glass towers, all making the value of our salvaged space worth more then our business could ever realistically support. We have also been repeatedly harassed by the city's Quality of Life Task Force which resulted in the debilitating closing of the ))sub((tonic lounge in January. Coincidentally, this campaign began as our immediate neighbor, the Blue Condominium building - a symbol of the new Lower East Side - prepared to open its doors.
As a business, we take responsibility for mistakes made along the way. If profit had been our chief motivation we could have changed our programming to something more mainstream and financially lucrative. Instead we were more committed to a certain type of music and loyal to the community that supported us. As a result, we've always just survived but never really prospered. It is, however, unfortunate that it is so difficult for small businesses to operate in this city and that a chain store that can afford a high rent is more desirable than a place like Tonic that has a different kind of value.
While this is certainly the end of Tonic at 107 Norfolk Street, we remain committed to what Tonic represents and plan to try again in some form as soon as possible. In the interim, Tonic will make efforts to present new music in existing venues such as the Abron's Arts Center located just a few blocks away.
We invite you to join us as often as you can over our remaining days to help us celebrate Tonic and more importantly the amazing artists, our unwavering staff, and the nurturing community that made Tonic possible. It’s because of you that we’ve stayed open as long as we have. Thank you!
Sincerely, Melissa and John
Contact: tonic [at]
Monday, April 02, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Ben Wallace to Endorse Starburys
Okay we know that the new Starbury II shoes are coming out this April 1st (not too far away!).
But did we know that Ben Wallace is now endorsing Starburys, is wearing them this season on the court and will have his own Ben Wallace Starbury next season? Nice!
press release
Four-time NBA All-Star Ben Wallace is best known for a strong work ethic that has resulted in four Defensive Player of the Year awards, multiple NBA rebounding titles, and an NBA blocked shots title. With today's announcement that the Chicago Bulls center is the first athlete endorser of Starbury, he will put that legendary work ethic to use on and off the court by helping get kids and parents to join the Starbury Movement. Wallace - aka Big Ben - will wear Starbury basketball shoes on-court this season. Wallace's Big Ben signature Starbury sneaker is currently being designed and will debut next season during Wallace's games. "
And thanks to my girlfriend Robin, I've learned that Steve and Barry's are going to do a line similar to Starbury for Sarah Jessica Parker, a low-cost fashion line for the ladies. Good for Sarah. Respect!
I love it when Americans do good things for Americans. I know that some hippie will bring up sweat shops and try to bring all this positive energy down, but I believe in what Steve and Barry's are doing and I don't give a rat's ass what hippies think beyond that.
But did we know that Ben Wallace is now endorsing Starburys, is wearing them this season on the court and will have his own Ben Wallace Starbury next season? Nice!
press release
Four-time NBA All-Star Ben Wallace is best known for a strong work ethic that has resulted in four Defensive Player of the Year awards, multiple NBA rebounding titles, and an NBA blocked shots title. With today's announcement that the Chicago Bulls center is the first athlete endorser of Starbury, he will put that legendary work ethic to use on and off the court by helping get kids and parents to join the Starbury Movement. Wallace - aka Big Ben - will wear Starbury basketball shoes on-court this season. Wallace's Big Ben signature Starbury sneaker is currently being designed and will debut next season during Wallace's games. "
And thanks to my girlfriend Robin, I've learned that Steve and Barry's are going to do a line similar to Starbury for Sarah Jessica Parker, a low-cost fashion line for the ladies. Good for Sarah. Respect!
I love it when Americans do good things for Americans. I know that some hippie will bring up sweat shops and try to bring all this positive energy down, but I believe in what Steve and Barry's are doing and I don't give a rat's ass what hippies think beyond that.
Monday, March 05, 2007
so you call yourself a fan?
I wrote this email in response to an article posted online on the famous realgm website. Obviously I'm as frustrated with Knick negativity in the media as this chump is with the knicks tanking every other game.
Subject: that lip service you call an article
i must admit I didn't read all of your article because I've seen it all before from the media these past 5 straight years from the likes of Frank Isola, Mike Lupica, Mitch Lawrance, Marc Berman and Mike and the Mad Dog, I guess we can add you to those lowly ranks now too. And now that the knicks are half a game out of the 8th seed with 21 games left, I really wonder if people like you are going to start changing your disposition with regard to my knicks. you may call yourself a knick fan if you like, taking shit about my beloved team, but before you start to change your tune for your next piece go back and read the article that you just wrote again and just try not to consider yourself a sellout. you think you're struggling with the knicks by writing that article out of frustration but you're really just putting more negativity against all their efforts to turn this season around. Don't go throwing around phrases like "disgrace to the franchise" about my team!
By the way, the celtics just beat New Jersey and Minnesota, making it 4 wins in a row, 3 of those coming on the road, so that "mail it in" garbage was obviously pretty far off. and the utah game was a loss by the refs, not the knicks. and you dare mention the chicago trade? That nazi Paxon is ruing the day he gave away their legitimate low post threat for fat Sweetney, Ty Thomas and a player that has yet to be determined. you must be the only person on earth that still thinks chicago got the best of that deal. give me whoever isiah picks with the lower bulls pick in 2007, i guarantee it will be a SUPERIOR player than whoever chicago gets with their "higher" draft pick. Eddy Curry was an all star this year, and if your average NBA fan wasn't such an complete idiot as to have voted an undeserving player a starting position (shaq had played all of 7 games when the ballots were tallied) Eddy would have got his just due. he is a good kid, he earned that fucking spot and he was robbed of it by the masses of idiots who belive things that people write just because it is printed.
its sad. they win 23 wins all of last season under next town brown, have their fucking spirits broken and come into this season with all you doubters against them, turn empty seats at the garden into late-season sell out crowds doing the wave for the first time in 20 years, and you expect them to win 13 straight like Dallas and compare them to the likes of Phoenix? they're 28-33 with 21 games remaining, so what if they win one loose one, you have to learn to walk before you can run! If you were a knicks fan last year (I'm sure you think you were) AND you watch games this year IT IS CLEAR that this is a more fun team to watch and cheer for. a young team still learning how to win, a team learning how to communicate on defense, a team that if they could cut just 2 turnovers per game would winning even more games than they already have. stephon is leaving it all on the court these days, the man is playing his soul out to try for the playoffs -you might want to include that in the next article you write for real gm.
see you at the gaden. i'll be up in the nosebleeds cheering for my team. God knows were the rest of you "fans" will be. and if you don't like the tone of this email, i make no apologies to you, go back and read your article again and learn the definition of karma.
Subject: that lip service you call an article
i must admit I didn't read all of your article because I've seen it all before from the media these past 5 straight years from the likes of Frank Isola, Mike Lupica, Mitch Lawrance, Marc Berman and Mike and the Mad Dog, I guess we can add you to those lowly ranks now too. And now that the knicks are half a game out of the 8th seed with 21 games left, I really wonder if people like you are going to start changing your disposition with regard to my knicks. you may call yourself a knick fan if you like, taking shit about my beloved team, but before you start to change your tune for your next piece go back and read the article that you just wrote again and just try not to consider yourself a sellout. you think you're struggling with the knicks by writing that article out of frustration but you're really just putting more negativity against all their efforts to turn this season around. Don't go throwing around phrases like "disgrace to the franchise" about my team!
By the way, the celtics just beat New Jersey and Minnesota, making it 4 wins in a row, 3 of those coming on the road, so that "mail it in" garbage was obviously pretty far off. and the utah game was a loss by the refs, not the knicks. and you dare mention the chicago trade? That nazi Paxon is ruing the day he gave away their legitimate low post threat for fat Sweetney, Ty Thomas and a player that has yet to be determined. you must be the only person on earth that still thinks chicago got the best of that deal. give me whoever isiah picks with the lower bulls pick in 2007, i guarantee it will be a SUPERIOR player than whoever chicago gets with their "higher" draft pick. Eddy Curry was an all star this year, and if your average NBA fan wasn't such an complete idiot as to have voted an undeserving player a starting position (shaq had played all of 7 games when the ballots were tallied) Eddy would have got his just due. he is a good kid, he earned that fucking spot and he was robbed of it by the masses of idiots who belive things that people write just because it is printed.
its sad. they win 23 wins all of last season under next town brown, have their fucking spirits broken and come into this season with all you doubters against them, turn empty seats at the garden into late-season sell out crowds doing the wave for the first time in 20 years, and you expect them to win 13 straight like Dallas and compare them to the likes of Phoenix? they're 28-33 with 21 games remaining, so what if they win one loose one, you have to learn to walk before you can run! If you were a knicks fan last year (I'm sure you think you were) AND you watch games this year IT IS CLEAR that this is a more fun team to watch and cheer for. a young team still learning how to win, a team learning how to communicate on defense, a team that if they could cut just 2 turnovers per game would winning even more games than they already have. stephon is leaving it all on the court these days, the man is playing his soul out to try for the playoffs -you might want to include that in the next article you write for real gm.
see you at the gaden. i'll be up in the nosebleeds cheering for my team. God knows were the rest of you "fans" will be. and if you don't like the tone of this email, i make no apologies to you, go back and read your article again and learn the definition of karma.
Monday, February 26, 2007
shows, shows, show
damn i need to start writing here again.
shows (not to mention killswitch engage and also lamb of god, but I guess those don't fit in with these)---
Thu 3/01 7:30 PM Rob Crow, Genghis Tron Rebel 18+ $12
Fri 3/02 9:00 PM The Vincent Black Shadow, White Hills, Weird Owl Club Midway 21+ $8
Fri 3/02 8:00 PM Rob Crow, The Glorytellers (ex-Karate), Cave Singers Southpaw 18+ $12
Sat 3/03 8:00 PM Nakatomi Plaza Matchless(Benefit for J. Robbins & family) 21+ tba
Mon 3/05 8:00 PM The Thermals, The Big Sleep, Meneguar Studio B(Todd P Presents) $12a
Thu 3/08 8:00 PM Detachment Kit, Lonely China Day, Rebuilding the Rights of Statues, The Hecklers
Cake Shop 21+
Tue 3/13 8:00 PM Au Revoir Simone, Metronomy, Hot Club De Paris Union Hall 21+ $10
tue 3/20 8:00 PM OOIOO, I.U.D. Knitting Factory All Ages $12
Sat 3/31 7:30 PM Walter Meego, Oxford Collapse, Dragons of Zynth, Del Rey, DJ Creature!
Knitting Factory(Oh My Rockness' March Radness 2 Party!!!) 18+ $10
Fri 4/13 8:00 PM Enon, Cheeseburger Mercury Lounge 21+ $10
Tue 4/17 8:00 PM Art Brut Bowery Ballroom 18+ $16
Wed 4/18 8:00 PM John Vanderslice Maxwell's All Ages $12
Wed 4/18 8:00 PM Souls of Mischief Southpaw 18+ tba Tell A Friend
Wed 4/18 8:00 PM Art Brut Studio B All Ages $12
Thu 4/26 8:00 PM Acid Mother's Temple Knitting Factory(Main Space) All Ages $13a/$15d
Fri 5/18 8:00 PM Tapes 'n Tapes, Ladyhawk, The Harlem Shakes Irving Plaza 16+ $15a/$16d
Sat 5/12 8:30 PM LCD Soundsystem Studio B 18+ $25 Buy Tickets
Mon 5/14 7:30 PM LCD Soundsystem Webster Hall 18+ $20a/$25d Buy Tickets
Tue 5/08 Blonde Redhead Webster Hall 18+ $22a/$25d
Sat 5/05 6:30 PM Ted Leo & the Pharmacists, Love of Diagrams Webster Hall 16+ $19
Sun 5/06 7:30 PM Beirut Bowery Ballroom 18+ $16
Sun 4/29 7:30 PM Yo La Tengo Webster Hall 18+ $25
shows (not to mention killswitch engage and also lamb of god, but I guess those don't fit in with these)---
Thu 3/01 7:30 PM Rob Crow, Genghis Tron Rebel 18+ $12
Fri 3/02 9:00 PM The Vincent Black Shadow, White Hills, Weird Owl Club Midway 21+ $8
Fri 3/02 8:00 PM Rob Crow, The Glorytellers (ex-Karate), Cave Singers Southpaw 18+ $12
Sat 3/03 8:00 PM Nakatomi Plaza Matchless(Benefit for J. Robbins & family) 21+ tba
Mon 3/05 8:00 PM The Thermals, The Big Sleep, Meneguar Studio B(Todd P Presents) $12a
Thu 3/08 8:00 PM Detachment Kit, Lonely China Day, Rebuilding the Rights of Statues, The Hecklers
Cake Shop 21+
Tue 3/13 8:00 PM Au Revoir Simone, Metronomy, Hot Club De Paris Union Hall 21+ $10
tue 3/20 8:00 PM OOIOO, I.U.D. Knitting Factory All Ages $12
Sat 3/31 7:30 PM Walter Meego, Oxford Collapse, Dragons of Zynth, Del Rey, DJ Creature!
Knitting Factory(Oh My Rockness' March Radness 2 Party!!!) 18+ $10
Fri 4/13 8:00 PM Enon, Cheeseburger Mercury Lounge 21+ $10
Tue 4/17 8:00 PM Art Brut Bowery Ballroom 18+ $16
Wed 4/18 8:00 PM John Vanderslice Maxwell's All Ages $12
Wed 4/18 8:00 PM Souls of Mischief Southpaw 18+ tba Tell A Friend
Wed 4/18 8:00 PM Art Brut Studio B All Ages $12
Thu 4/26 8:00 PM Acid Mother's Temple Knitting Factory(Main Space) All Ages $13a/$15d
Fri 5/18 8:00 PM Tapes 'n Tapes, Ladyhawk, The Harlem Shakes Irving Plaza 16+ $15a/$16d
Sat 5/12 8:30 PM LCD Soundsystem Studio B 18+ $25 Buy Tickets
Mon 5/14 7:30 PM LCD Soundsystem Webster Hall 18+ $20a/$25d Buy Tickets
Tue 5/08 Blonde Redhead Webster Hall 18+ $22a/$25d
Sat 5/05 6:30 PM Ted Leo & the Pharmacists, Love of Diagrams Webster Hall 16+ $19
Sun 5/06 7:30 PM Beirut Bowery Ballroom 18+ $16
Sun 4/29 7:30 PM Yo La Tengo Webster Hall 18+ $25
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Turnovers Knicks' Biggest Obstacle to Victory
Yes, its been a long time since I blogged here. But I want to post my conclusion about this 06-07 Knicks team: we only need to shore up on our turnovers.
You say, "KMC, the knicks' perimeter defense blows!"
And I can't disagree with that.
You might even say "KMC, the knicks have no shot blockers."
This I can not argue with.
But when you look at all the statistics (we're number one in the league in rebounding, get to the line more than the opponents, shoot a better percentage than our opponents, we only get outscored on average 1.8 points per game) the only one that needs to be modified to consistently win is turnovers. I do believe that if we can cut our turnovers per game, lessen them by say, 2, that it will result in victory on a regular basis. This can be hard to do, especially when you're adding francis to the mix, a career high-turnover player to the likes of Crawford, Marbury, Curry and Richardson. Nevertheless, if a few of those guys can develop some chemistry and learn where the others are going to be and what the like to do with the ball, the knicks will be the ONE team that makes the playoffs in the atlantic.
yes, only one team in the atlantic will make the playoffs this year. hopefully it is the new york knicks.
You say, "KMC, the knicks' perimeter defense blows!"
And I can't disagree with that.
You might even say "KMC, the knicks have no shot blockers."
This I can not argue with.
But when you look at all the statistics (we're number one in the league in rebounding, get to the line more than the opponents, shoot a better percentage than our opponents, we only get outscored on average 1.8 points per game) the only one that needs to be modified to consistently win is turnovers. I do believe that if we can cut our turnovers per game, lessen them by say, 2, that it will result in victory on a regular basis. This can be hard to do, especially when you're adding francis to the mix, a career high-turnover player to the likes of Crawford, Marbury, Curry and Richardson. Nevertheless, if a few of those guys can develop some chemistry and learn where the others are going to be and what the like to do with the ball, the knicks will be the ONE team that makes the playoffs in the atlantic.
yes, only one team in the atlantic will make the playoffs this year. hopefully it is the new york knicks.
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