Today I had some errands to run in the city so I took my beater nishiki fixie for a spin sans a front brake. What fun it was to be blown around town riding in the cold wind! Those city buses really do make commuting interesting for cyclists. Just stay out of their bus lane or they'll literally take a swipe at you for being in the way. My stops included picking up some tickets at town hall (43rd street) and my Tuesday visit to the library (5th ave). I scored some new books that I've been searching for -nice to finally pick them up. Outside the bank some schmo had trouble locking up his 61cm '05 chrome bianchi pista track bike. It looked pretty cool, he did have a front brake on there.
I must stop using my phone for blog purposes, I have a digicam that is perfectly capable of making some decent posts. I always leave it at home, then when I'm out and suddenly find something interesting, I'm stuck with the nokia shots.
the first two were taken while on the west side highway bike path, there is a very provocative design being implemented and I thought I'd share it here. I trust it not to be but the building looks statically indeterminate like a shanty built from a deck of cards before a gust of wind stops by to say hello. Built to Spill, if you will. Perhaps that's what ol' Frank Gehry was going for at the time. There is a similar, if not more linear apartment building, at the center of Astor Place already complete with bourgeois tenants.
the third photo is also along the west side highway (I find I don't have to stop to take the photo, just pedal and balance with one hand on the bars, the other to click to shot) further down by chelsea, last time I rode this bike path I could have sworn there were only two of these buildings but now they seem to be multiplying. I suppose they're chic because they're nearly all glass apartment buildings where people can look inside and see you being all affluent and post modern. It is an envious location in manhattan if for no other reason there are no buildings to the west due to the Hudson's presence, and, since the enclosure is all glass, there must be tons of natural light inside these expensive apartments.
also included: a photo of my nishiki near West 29th street.
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