Even better than I thought they'd be live, and it was fucking free! Great energy, they seemed to almost play in order of Six Demon Bag, occasionally playing stuff from their first album The Man in a Blue Turban with a Face. I was close enough to be picked up by their microphones had I not just sat there stunned silent.
The Sarah Lawrence campus is gorgeous this time of year, those kids should consider themselves lucky to go to such a fine school; a school whose activities director obviously has good taste in music!
They had this weird pen all taped off where the kids can drink, I heard them refer to it as the "beer garden" but it just seemed kind of odd. They had good beer, actually my beer of choice, Guinness, but they seemed to be checking student ID's from a list, so I didn't even try to get into the beer garden pen since I don't pay tuition. I'll just hold off until my next visit to the real beer garden in queens. They also had snow cones. I saw a chrome fixie that was stripped of stickers, it could have passed for a bianchi pista except it was lugged so it must have been something else. it had bullhorns and a front brake. seems like a nice area for some stress-free riding.
There was security everywhere, I felt like some kind of intruder at times. It really did feel like I was the only one there that was not a student, but I know that must not be the case.
"you should always run with a loaded gun in your mouth"
Yankees game traffic on the way home was a biotch.
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