I still don't.
I preordered mine from J&R Music World on the 10th at 1pm. It is now almost the 14th, two full days after the official US release date, and still no word as to when I'll be getting my new ultra mobile device.
Here is something to take a look at, Amazon has updated their website to indicate it could take a MONTH to get one of their Asus eee PC 900's running linux with the 20 GB SSD. The XP version with the smaller 12GB SSD is now shown as "in stock" which is worlds better than J&R's "preorder" status.

If you're reading this, and you've already received your eee PC 900, I'd like to hear from you. Do you like your eee PC 900? Think the battery life is good/bad? Let me know. Where did you order it from? Don't tell me J&R!