I preordered mine from J&R Music World on the 10th at 1pm. It is now almost the 14th, two full days after the official US release date, and still no word as to when I'll be getting my new ultra mobile device.
Here is something to take a look at, Amazon has updated their website to indicate it could take a MONTH to get one of their Asus eee PC 900's running linux with the 20 GB SSD. The XP version with the smaller 12GB SSD is now shown as "in stock" which is worlds better than J&R's "preorder" status.

If you're reading this, and you've already received your eee PC 900, I'd like to hear from you. Do you like your eee PC 900? Think the battery life is good/bad? Let me know. Where did you order it from? Don't tell me J&R!
1 comment:
We are sorry to inform you that the item(s) you ordered,
Order Number Model Product Description
74058716 ASU EEEPC900L ASUS Eee PC 900L 8.9" Sub-Notebook
74058716 ASU EEEPC900X ASUS Eee PC 900X 8.9" Sub-Notebook
are currently not in stock. We have these on order with the manufacturer, and hope to have them available shortly. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please be assured that we are doing our best to obtain these for you as quickly as possible. If this is a "special order" or a "pre-order" item, please be aware that this email is automatically sent on all orders that are waiting for stock to arrive. If you would like to contact us, please use the information below.
If you would like to discuss a possible substitution, please contact one of our knowledgeable sales representatives at (800) 806-1115. We shall make every effort to find an item of equal or greater value to satisfy your needs. We thank you for your patience in this matter.
J&R Music/Computer World TEL: (800) 426-6027
Customer Service Department FAX: (718) 507-3189
59-21 Queens-Midtown Expressway Email: custserv@jr.com
Maspeth, NY 11378 USA To place an order call: (800) 806-1115
Visit our website at http://www.jr.com
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