Thursday, March 09, 2006

President Bush's Smokescreen Worked

Just a theory, but perhaps all ol' George W. ever wanted was for the patriot act to be passed again. His administration's train of thought could have been something like this:

1. Increase fear and paranoia about terrorism by seeming to support the Arabic Dubai company's management of US ports.

2. Pass the patriot act since we'll need it to "watch suspected terrorists."

3. Scare (or buy) off said Dubai company. This news comes literally hours after the patriot act was again passed by congress, George with pen in hand ready to sign. Coincidence? Perhaps.

George W. gets what he wants, and the people of the U.S., what do they get? Oh yeah, more spying by big brother, who is probably already aware of this blog post courtesy of the patriot act.

Thanks George W!

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